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Showing 193–204 of 232 results
Saying Goodbye: Stories of Separation between care staff and people with learning disabilities
£16.95 -
Unhappy Children: Reasons and Remedies
£18.95 -
Psychoanalysis with Children: History, Theory and Practice
Separation and the Very Young
£18.95 -
The Symbolic Impetus: How Creative Fantasy Motivates Development
£17.95 -
Studies of Childhood
£18.95 -
Child Abuse, Psychotherapy and the Law: Bearing the Unbearable
The Cry of Mute Children: Psychoanalytic Perspective of the Second Generation of the Holocaust
£18.95 -
Black Children in the Public Care System
£18.95 -
The Healing Drama: Psychodrama and Dramatherapy with Abused Children
£24.99 -
Social Work with Black Children and Their Families (Child care policy & practice series)
Helping Children Cope with Separation and Loss