People living with HIV infection or a diagnosis of AIDS face discrimination in most areas of their lives, including the workplace. Organizations and businesses having to face HIV or AIDS in some form or other is increasingly common. This book by Earl C Pike and Phil Greasley is designed to help such bodies formulate policies and programmes for the workplace. The text should be useful both for organizations without policies and for those who want to review existing policy. Many employers, for example, will want to know what their responsibilities are to people with HIV under the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA). It explains workplace changes which may be required for people with or recovering from HIV related illnesses. Beginning with an exploration of the practical and ethical need for organizations to develop policies and guidelines, the text goes on, in a step-by-step fashion, to take the reader through the main issues involved. It considers the shaping and formation of policies – including sample policies and special policy considerations for particular populations – ending with a section on resources.