Ilany Kogan has written a powerful and astute book on the psychoanalytic treatment of the offspring of Holocaust survivors, drawing on her experience of being an analyst to some of their sons and daughters. Through an in-dept, sensitive presentation of eight analyses conducted with children of survivors, the author shows how the shadow of the Holocaust sets the stage for the intrapsychic drama played out by the second generation during the course of their analytic journey. These patients grapple with the meaning of the Holocaust – conscious and unconscious – in their own lives as well as the lives of their parents … Illany Kogan’s style is unique. She provides a depth and richness of detail in her patients’ fantasy words, as well as her own experience of countertransference. She invites the reader to participate in the vicissitudes of the analytic process, including moments of frustration, analytic impasses and ruptures in the therapeutic alliance. Through her open, unassuming style, her well-organized writing and the judicious use of verbatim material, the author breathes life into these analytic stories … The important insights revealed in this book can inform us not only in the realm of this particular group of patients but all those whose lives are touched by the reality of war, violence and trauma.’ Dr Ann Adelman, Yale University ——- ‘Ilany Kogan’s vivid description of the psychological fate of children of the survivors of Auschwitz and other Nazi death camps alert us to the long-lasting effects of severe trauma and its transmission from one generation to the next. Dehumanisation is a constant feature of human history, and this book reminds us of our need to be vigilant in the defence of civilisation.’ Dr Dinora Pines, London ——— ‘Ilany Kogan has written a book with so many truths in it that it should be required reading for all those colleagues who might be consulted by members of the second generation.’ Professor Martin Wangh, Jerusalem