Healing in Hypnosis

Erickson, Milton H. Rossi, Ernest Sharp, Florence A.


IBSN: 9781853434051 Category:


Seminars, Workshops and Lectures of Milton H. Erickson, Vol 1

This contains a fascinating biographical chapter on Milton Erickson, revealing the many important events of his life that contributed to the development of his ideas. The lectures, seminars and workshops were not scholarly by nature. They were usual spontaneous, with only a very general theme to guide them. The special interests, needs and questions from each group of participants frequently generated ingenious, unpremeditated demonstrations of hypnosis and hypnotherapy. All contributed to a significant shift from the older authoritarian techniques of hypnosis to the more creative approaches pioneered by Erickson.

Edited by Margaret O. Ryan, Ernest H. Rossi and Florence A. Sharp


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