Psychotherapy | Therapy
Showing 46–54 of 59 results
The Provision of Primary Experience: Winnicottian Work with Children and Adolescents
£24.99 -
The Silly Thing: Shaping the Story of Life and Death
£11.99 -
The Social Engagement of Social Science: The Socio-psychological Perspective v. 1: A Tavistock Anthology (Social Engagement of Social Science, a Tavistock Anthology)
£25.00 -
The Supervisory Couple in Broad-spectrum Psychotherapy
£16.95 -
The Symbolic Impetus: How Creative Fantasy Motivates Development
£17.95 -
The Work of Hanna Segal: A Kleinian Approach to Clinical Practice
£24.99 -
The World of Adolescence: Literature, Society and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
£17.95 -
Therapy and Consultation in Child Care
£24.99 -
Understanding the Depressions: A Companion for Sufferers, Relatives and Counsellors